Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Presidential Candidates 2008, Democratic initial look

There are currently nine Democrats who are running for President and another two who are strongly considering it.

I will give you my quick opinion on them; as the race progresses I hope to learn more about those who I may consider voting for in 2008.

The odds are I will vote Libertarian in 2008; however, I ALWAYS look at all options.

The Democratic field is rather weak in my opinion (Unfortunately so is the Libertarian and Republican fields currently).

Christopher Dodd. I know little about him; however, what I do know leads me to believe he would be completely unacceptable.

John Edwards. I would never vote for John Edwards.

Mike Gravel. I do no know enough about Mike Gravel to have an initial opinion.

Dennis Kucinish. He is a complete lunatic and I could never vote for him.

Tom Vilasec. I know little about him and I plan on learning more. He may be a good candidate.

Joe Biden. I know little about him; however, what I do know leads me to believe he would be completely unacceptable.

Hillary Clinton. She is someone I could not vote for unless she ran against poeple who were even worse then she is.

Barack Obama. So far I like what I see in barack Obama. I have a positive first impression of him and I plan on watching him carefully.

Bill Richardson. I know little about him and I plan on learning more. He may be a good candidate.

Wesley Clark. I know little about him and I plan on learning more. He may be a good candidate.

Al Sharpton. He is a complete lunatic and I could never vote for him.

So I have an initial positive opinion about Barack Obama.

I am unsure about Mike Gravel, Tom Vilasec, Bill Richardson, and Wesley Clark.

I am almost positive that I could not vote for Joe Biden or Chistopher Dodd.

I cannot vote for (Unless it is an emergency and they are running against a field of worse candidates; which is possible) John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Hillary Clinton, or Al Sharpton.

Mike Sylvester