Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What I will look for in a Presidential Candidate

Unfortunately the 2008 Presidential Campaign is kicking up into full gear.

Fortunately we will have an opportunity to have a President other then GW Bush.

Unfortunately we may well elect a President that is worse then GW Bush.

I vote for the candidate rather then for the Party. I do not care what the candidate's race or sex happens to be. For fun I will list how I would rate the last four elected Presidents by these standards. Here is what I will be looking for:

1. A person who has a background that I can respect. I tend to respect people who have
"worked" for a living.
Reagan NO
HW Bush NO
Bill Clinton NO
GW Bush NO

2. A person who has integrity.
Reagan YES
HW Bush NO

Bill Clinton NO
GW Bush NO

3. I often vote for military veterans for President; but, not always. I feel that our Commander
in Chief should have served in the military he or she now leads.
Reagan NO
Bill Clinton NO
GW Bush NO

4. A person who takes a stand and does not constantly run opinion polls to see what the voters
"think" about each particular stand.
Reagan YES
Bill Clinton NO

5. I look for a leader who has charisma and can motivate people.
Reagan YES
HW Bush NO
Bill Clinton YES
GW Bush NO

6. I prefer a candidate who believes in smaller Government. A majority of Americans feel the
government is too large; yet, the Reps and Dems grow the size of the government each and
every year.
Reagan YES
HW Bush NO
Bill Clinton NO
GW Bush NO

7. I prefer a candidate who believes in the rights of the fifty states and who feels that the
Federal government is too large.
Reagan YES
HW Bush NO
Bill Clinton NO
GW Bush NO

8. I prefer a candidate who has not been part of ethical scandals. I tend to vote against
candidates who have "affairs," accept bribes, etc.
Reagan YES
Bill Clinton NO
GW Bush NO

I will be looking at other things as well; however, I think these eight are a pretty good test for me. I am not a one issue voter by any stretch of the imagination.

As I look at the histories of the last four Presidents I would rank them by the eight criteria above best to worst:
Reagan (No-brainer for me)
HW Bush
Clinton and GW Bush

Note. If there were an election today between Bill Clinton and GW Bush, and I would certainly vote for a Third party candidate. If someone had a gun to my head and I had to vote for GW or Bill I would vote for Bill... It would hurt; however, I would vote for Bill...

Mike Sylvester