Friday, January 26, 2007

Disturbing articles in newspapers completely misses the point

Over the last few days there have been many newspaper articles discussing the fact that The Bush Administration RECENTLY authorized US forces in Iraq to kill or capture Iranian operatives in Iraq.

This is big news because "hawks" are proud of it and those against the war are appalled by it.

I am shocked by it. Why haven't we been doing this for the last couple of years?

I do not think we should have gone into Iraq. I did not think invading Iraq was a good idea when we went into Iraq. I told my wife that we would have troops in Iraq for 20 years...

That being said, we did invade.

We do not have a time machine and we cannot change the past.

We either need to pull our OR WE NEED TO FIGHT TO WIN.

Do you remember back when Americans were hung from a bridge? If I would have been in charge I would have dropped leaflets on the town and given the residents 72 to hours to evacuate. Then I would have flattened the entire City.

We either need to get out or fight to win. One or the other.

I do NOT think we have the guts to win; therefore, I think we should start to draw down our troops and let the Iraqi government fend for itself. If they want their freedom they will have to fight for it just like Americans did when our County was founded.

Mike Sylvester