Sunday, July 29, 2007
|Newhart - The Finale
For the "Newhart" finale, Bob wakes up in bed with his wife from the earlier show on the set of said earlier show and discusses the newer show as "I just had the strangest dream":
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
CNN-YouTube debate
While watching last night’s CNN-YouTube debate of the Democratic Presidential candidates, I was suddenly struck by this question: What if we voted for President the way we vote for “American Idol”? Would Hillary still be the country’s “fan favorite”? Would John Edwards get the female votes because of his good looks? Would Mike Gravel keep hanging on as the Sanjaya-like favorite of “Vote for the Worst” or would he just be one of the funny clips of a contestant shoved into the “audition” shows? I can’t help but look at Dennis Kucinich and think of “Chicken Little” from a couple seasons back on AI-you remember the poor guy (though I can’t remember his real name) he was “Everynerd” in high school, but people listened to his voice and he got a lot further than anyone thought he would.
Think back on the first season of American Idol: The vote came down to Kelly Clarkson, the normal, middle class girl from small town mid-America with big dreams (Hillary) and Justin Gaurini, the exotic looking smooth voiced rebel (Obama). I remember it being a neck and neck, back & forth competition between those two AI contestants, culminating in the eventual win of the girl with big dreams. I remember being shocked that she won, wondering if her victory would see any fame, if she could turn herself into what the American public expected of her. As we all know, she was able to do all of those things and Justin has quietly faded into the background. America is becoming a reality TV based culture, so my advice to the candidates, especially Hillary and Obama is this… watch a little American Idol; watch and learn.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Mexican man weighs into record books

"I'm glad to be in the Guinness Book as the fattest man. I am also happy to have lost 200 kilos," Manuel Uribe, 41, told AFP. Uribe was able to leave his home in Monterrey, northern Mexico in March aboard a trailer to celebrate his weight loss.
Guinness has recognized his weighty achievement with a glass plaque. "They gave it to me, I have it in my hands," said Uribe, who founded an organization to help overweight people. Uribe's photograph appears in the 2008 Guinness Book of Records alongside a description of the treatment he has had and offers of surgery he has received.
Uribe said the editor of the book had promised to visit him next year, and held out the possibility of appearing in the 2009 edition as the man who had lost the most weight.
Uribe appeared on television in 2006 seeking help for his excess weight, which has plagued him for more than 20 years, most of which he has spent in bed.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Not One More Man
Peace, and if you like it, share it - if you don't, thanks for watching.
Peacechick Mary suggested I add the lyrics - here they are.
Written by Robert Rouse
Not one more man shall die for you, not one more mother’s son
Not one more man shall go to war, not one to shoot your gun
We won’t let you just take their lives to do with as you will
Not one more man shall die for you, not one more shall you kill
You started your own little war to make your daddy proud
It didn’t matter if your pride made mothers wear a shroud
You tried to make the US think your holy war was good
But we saw through deception and we all understood
The attacks were linked to Baghdad is the story that you sold
But this holy war has holes throughout the story that you told
It’s really very easy to right this wrong you tried
Just start by telling every one in America you lied
Not one more man shall die for you, not one more mother’s son
Not one more man shall go to war, not one to shoot your gun
We won’t let you just take their lives to do with as you will
Not one more man shall die for you, not one more shall you kill
You try to make the people think that what we say is wrong
You’ll tell them only traitors would ever sing this song
You’ll talk until your face is blue but lies won’t change the facts
See we have truth upon our side and truth is what you lack
You tell us God appointed you to lead us into war
But people know that war is not what our great God stands for
You need to read the Bible and perhaps your eyes will see
That it is us, the peacemakers who God says “Blessed be.”
Not one more man shall die for you, not one more mother’s son
Not one more man shall go to war, not one to shoot your gun
We won’t let you just take their lives to do with as you will
Not one more man shall die for you, not one more shall you kill
Not one more man will die for Bush, not one more mother’s son
Not one more man shall make you rich, no one to buy your guns
We won’t let you just sell their lives, your coffers there to fill
Not one more man shall die for Bush, not one more shall you kill
Let’s stop the killing, tell the truth, not one more shall you kill
Please Mr. Bush, for your own soul, please no more shall you kill
© 2005, 2006, 2007 by Robert L. Rouse
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Harrison Square may face legal challenege if approved
From : John B. Kalb
July 18, 2007
3720 Mulberry Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
To: Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission
Attn: Christopher GuerinDavid WrightSteve McElhoeKaren GoldnerQuinton DixieCc: John Wernet, Commission Attorney
Subject: Your resolutions # 2007-49 and, because of interrelationships, #2007-48Commissioners:
I am writing to ask that you NOT approve the subject resolutions, which pertain to the baseball stadium license and management agreements, because I think that Indiana state law mandates that you may not enter into an agreement for the management of a public facility without first making a public request for proposals. In particular, I direct your attention to IC 5-23-2-2(which defines “board” and which definition I think encompasses your Commission), IC 5-23-2-7(which defines “operating agreement” and which definition I think encompasses the proposed Hardball/ stadium agreements), IC 5-23-4-1(which grants the Commission the authority to enter into an operating agreement for the management, maintenance, etc. of the stadium) and IC 5-23-5-1(which requires that the proposed agreements be preceded by and pursuant to a public request for proposals).
I also refer you to a recent Indiana Court of Appeals decision of Stuller vs. Daniels, issued on July 16, 2007, which confirms that a public-private agreement for the operation or management of a public facility is illegal if the governmental entity does not first make a public request for proposals.
At a minimum, I respectfully request that you delay any decision on the referenced resolutions until you have obtained COMPETENT legal counsel assuring you of the legality of these agreements, have made such opinion, if any, known to the public, and have provided time to consider any contrary views. The entire Harrison Square project has aroused much public suspicion and any premature and illegal action on your part at this time will only add to the public cynicism.
I will say that if you approve these resolutions at your scheduled special meeting on 7/23/07, I intend to file suit challenging and enjoining your actions.
I have enclosed a copy of IC 5-23-5 and a summary of the judicial decision that I have referenced.
Thank you for your consideration.
Signed John B. Kalb
Cc:;; each of the nine Fort Wayne Common Council members plus attorneys: Tim Manges, Joe Kimmel, Joseph Bonahoom and Philip Larmore
As many of the readers of this blog know I am NOT an attorney. I do not claim to have much knowledge about the law.
I am certain that The City has not put the current proposed Baseball Stadium Management Contract our for bid.
My cursory review of the Indiana Code sections cited leads me to believe that Mr. Kalb is correct and I will be interested in seeing how the Redevelopment Commission responds.
I will be especially interested in how Karen Goldner responds to this. She is currently running for City Council in my district and I am looking forward to seeing how she handles this.
Mike Sylvester
Friday, July 13, 2007
|Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Blogging For Earth - Blogathon 2007
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On July 28, at 9:00AM EST, I will blog over at Left of Centrist for twenty four straight hours. It's part of Blogathon 2007. If you tuned in to last year's edition, you know the rules.
This year's charity is The Alliance For Climate Protection. At least one post every 30 minutes. A grand total of 49 posts ending at 9:00AM on July 29. Pledge a total amount or pledge by the hour - $1 per hour would result in a $48 donation for the Earth (you should probably just round up to a $50 total pledge). The rules are simple. Do your part, I'll do mine.
Last year 283 bloggers raised a grand total of $104,803.63 for various charities around the world - we each choose our own. We're going to try to do better than that this year. Also - and I really hate to bring on competition for donations, however, if you're a blogger consider taking part in Blogathon 2007 - "the more the merrier". Of course around the 20th hour the sentiment becomes "misery loves company". But it's all for charity.To Sponsor me and help preserve the third rock from the Sun, go to my pledge page.
Labels: Alliance for Climate Protection, Blogathon, charity
Sunday, July 08, 2007

I heard about a male nurse who was on an airplane when the window burst out, and he was partially sucked out of the plane! See story here:
True story. Last night, around 3:00am, my wife woke me up saying she heard a noise, like a door closing. I told her it was probably one of the animals. She said "no, they're both in the room with us". She got up and went to investigate. I fell back asleep. Today I asked her why she didn't let me investigate instead of her getting killed! She said that I wasn't moving fast enough, so she just did it herself. I said "well, there was no reason for BOTH of us to get killed!". She torted back "Oh, don't worry, I would make sure to tell the killer that you were in the bedroom". She's sweet like that =)
New 7 wonders of the world named. Personally, I think that's just wrong.
See story here:
Affair with iPhone cools when handset breaks
After four days with phone, trouble in paradise.
I'm a computer junkie, but I would never buy a new product when it first comes out. Not only are they expensive, but usually plagued with problems!
See story here:
Allen County property owners can view taxes online.
Property owners can visit and click on “online property tax bill and credit card payment” at the bottom of the main page to find out how much they will owe. Users can search by property owner, address and by parcel number.
See story here:
Received this email:
Think before you drink Coke or Pepsi or any other soft drink. Have you ever thought what you drink when you drink an aerated drink? You gulp down carbon dioxide, something that nobody in the world would advise you to do.
Two months ago, there was a competition in Delhi University "Who can drink the most Coke?" The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough oxygen. From then on, the principal banned all soft drinks from the university canteen.
Now, if you believe this, then I have some ocean view property to sell you in Arizona! This is yet another urban legand as reported at:
President Bush is out jogging, and he encounters a young boy with some puppies. Bush asks the boy what kind of puppies they are, and the boy responds, "They're Republican puppies, Mr. President."
Bush thinks that is so great that the next day he brings the first lady to see these puppies for herself. He asks the boy to tell Laura what kind of puppies they are, and the boy responds, "They're Democratic puppies." The president looks puzzled and says, "Yesterday, you told me they were Republican puppies." The young boy smiles and says, "Yesterday, they were. But today, they have their eyes open!"