Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Rich Reynolds, Fort Wayne Media Watch

I have never paid much attention to Rich Reynolds. There have always been a lot of rumors about him and he is someone I have never met.

He sends out a weekly newsletter with his "take" on local (Fort Wayne media).

He mentioned two of the contributors to this blog in his most recent "newsletter."

I just cannot help myself.

I have cut out part of the last newsletter and it appears below in italics:

Incestuous connections in local media are rampant.

For instance, the News-Sentinel continues to ballyhoo cronies of Leo Morris and Kevin Leininger: Mike Sylvester, Mitch Harper, Karen Goldner, Craig Ladwig, et al.

What on earth is Rich Reynolds talking about?

Per Yahoo:

bal·ly·hoo (bl-h) KEY NOUN: pl. bal·ly·hoos
Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity.
Noisy shouting or uproar. TRANSITIVE VERB: bal·ly·hooed , bal·ly·hoo·ing , bal·ly·hoos
To advertise or publicize by sensational methods.

Does anyone have ANY idea what he is talking about?

I am especially entertained with his reference to Karen Goldner AND Craig Ladwig being a cronies of Leo Morris and Kevin Leininger... That is pretty funny...

Does anyone know anything about Rich Reynolds?

Mike Sylvester