Thanks U-Bloggers!
U-Blog Press came to life on January 8th, 2007; and in the short period of time since then, has logged over 1,200 visits to the site!
Robert and I are very much aware that this "experiment in blogging" is only in it's infancy. This site is for anyone who is willing to follow the rules , and wishes to blog occasionally. We welcome Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Independents, or any flavor of your choosing. It is not necessarily about politics, as you can tell if you have seen some of the recent posts! It's about YOU, and what YOU want to do with your U-Blog. You can visit whenever you like, create a post when you like, and comment when you like.
What I especially like about U-Blog Press, is that you don't have to visit several blogs to see commentary from several different bloggers! If you're like me, you just don't always have the time to visit all your favorite (and sometimes non-favorite) blogs. Well, now you can see some of them in one place!
I am looking forward to a more diverse listing of contributors by the time the political climate gets back into full swing. I don't know of a blog that allows POSTS from all political sides of the aisle, and I am sure this will turn out to be a great collaboration between "friends".
If you enjoy the U-Blog Press, then please help us recruit new talent by passing along the site to your friends, and heck, if you like, even your foes! You might even want to do a story about the blog on your personal blog, or place a link to U-Blog Post on your site. Remember, this is a community blog, and it will take the entire community to help it grow. Thank you for being a part of it!
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