Sunday, January 14, 2007

Oprah’s Dream Come True

As was splashed over newspaper and magazine headlines and touted on every major news program, on January 2nd, Oprah opened her $40 million “Leadership Academy for Girls” in South Africa. Unlike many who question her decision to open this school in South Africa instead of the United States, I think she should not be questioned or criticized about how and where she chooses to spend her own millions. I do, however, question why she chooses to make such a loud statement of her philanthropic acts.

According to news reports, the lavish opening boasted attendance by many celebrities, such as Tina Turner, Mariah Carey, Chris Rock, Mary J Blige and Nelson Mandela, who each donated a signed book to the school’s library. I wonder; if I had donated a signed book to the school’s library, would I have been invited to the ribbon cutting? I doubt it. No one is interested in plain old “Citizen Jane” being in attendance. Least of all, Oprah. Besides, I couldn’t have afforded to dress for the event. Photos taken at the grand opening show Oprah dressed in a fancy pink dress with diamond drop earrings that could probably have fed the families of the 152 students for years.

Hence we come to my problem with the whole “Dream Come True”. Why does Oprah have to shout her good works from the rooftops??? Why isn’t she humble in her good deeds, like the Missouri man who just died this week that had been donating money anonymously to needy people and causes for years? Why not wear a demure suit and understated jewelry to the opening instead of clothing and earrings that cost more than the families of these girls make in a lifetime? In my opinion, she is shouting, “Look at me! Look what I’ve done! Praise me! Thank me! Love me!”

So there it is: Oprah’s need for love and approval has overstepped the bounds of good taste.

I stopped watching Oprah’s show and buying her magazine long ago, when it seemed obvious to me that her self- promotion was becoming obscene. I don’t think of it as obscene anymore. Now it’s just sad.